Section: Dissemination


  • S. Boldo presented the Concours Castor informatique to computer sciences teachers (ISN) in Nancy on April 17th, 2014. A video of the talk is available at http://videos.univ-lorraine.fr/index.php?act=view&id=1369 .

  • S. Boldo gave a 2-hour course entitled Les nombres et l'ordinateur at the École Normale Supérieure de Cachan, France, on September 9th.

  • S. Boldo gave a 2-hour course Pourquoi mon ordinateur calcule faux? to a general audience at the Université Inter-Âge in Versailles, France, on March 4th.

  • S. Boldo gave a talk for computer sciences teachers (ISN) in Créteil on March 24th

  • S. Boldo gave a talk for teenagers at the lycée Maximilien Perretin Alfortville on May 22nd.

  • S. Boldo wrote an article with Jean-Michel Muller (ARIC) in the popularization journal La Recherche [42] .

  • S. Boldo wrote in 2013 an article for the French blog celebrating 2013 as the “Mathematics of Planet Earth” year: http://mpt2013.fr/meme-les-ordinateurs-font-des-erreurs/ . This article was selected to be published in a book published in 2014 [41] .

  • S. Boldo is member of the editorial committee of the popular science Interstices web site, since April 2008. http://interstices.info/ .

  • S. Boldo is member of the editorial board of Binaire http://binaire.blog.lemonde.fr , the blog of the French Computer Science Society.

  • S. Boldo, G. Melquiond, A. Paskevich, and C. Paulin animated two stands at the Fête de la science.

  • A. Charguéraud and S. Boldo contributed to the preparation of the exercises of the Concours Castor informatique http://castor-informatique.fr/ . A. Charguéraud is also one of the three organizers of this contest. The purpose of the Concours Castor in to introduce pupils (from 6ème to terminale) to computer sciences. More than 228,000 teenagers played with the interactive exercises in November 2014.

  • S. Conchon and J.-C. Filliâtre published a book “Apprendre à programmer avec OCaml” for undergraduate students learning computer programming [39] (Eyrolles, September 2014).